What to do if Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits

When faced with an injury or illness that impacts on your ability to work, you may collect benefits from your disability insurance provider. However, there are many cases of insurance companies that deny claims. Whether you purchased the long-term disability plan individually or it was a provided by your employer, it’s important to know your rights and consult a lawyer who will ensure they’re adequately protected. Don’t give up when your claim is denied. There are ways to navigate this process and get more pleasant results.

Why do insurance companies deny LTD claims?

Insurance companies state many reasons for denying LTD benefit claims. One common reason for denial is failure to disclose a pre-existing medical condition. Some insurance companies will go great lengths to provide evidence that shows the victim had the condition before the accident or illness and failed to disclose the condition at the time the insurance was purchased. Other usual reasons of denial are as a result of expert opinion that claims the victim is still able to work.

The insurance company will hire its own medical experts who provide their expert opinion regarding the victim’s ability to perform work. Whatever the reasons stated, being denied your LTD benefits can be extremely devastating especially if you are unable to return to work and you need the financial support. The good thing is that, there are several avenues that you can explore to get your LTD claim approved.

Dealing with the insurance company directly

Many victims have taken this path and faced several challenges. To start with, insurance companies may try to outsmart you by asking questions or using your words and actions to show that you are still able to work. If your insurance claim has been denied and you decide to deal with the company directly, you can begin the internal appeal process. Appealing to the insurance company for them to reconsider their decision often takes time. It can be an extremely difficult process for someone who is facing a serious injury or illness to handle alone both physically and mentally. The insurance company will put a strong case and work with the best lawyers to get their favourable outcome.

Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer

First, a lawyer will provide you with all the information you need to better understand your rights even before the case begins. Secondly, the lawyer will utilize his/her experience to come up with a strategy that will safeguard your rights and ensure a successful outcome. By working with an experienced legal team, you eliminate certain risks such as missing the deadline for filing a claim. Approaching the lawyer early enough ensures that the statutory limitation period doesn’t lapse which will deny you the ability to take legal action if your claim is denied.

A seasoned lawyer can provide invaluable help and advice to navigate this difficult time. Dealing with the aftermath of a disability is never easy and you need a strong legal team by your side to recover the benefits you are entitled to. Get in touch with our lawyers today for more information.